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Sunday, 3 January 2016

Geminids meteor shower December 13 and 14 2015

Geminids meteor shower December 2015
On Monday the 14th we had the Geminids meteor shower occur and i was out in my parents back paddock photographing the meteor shower.
Had some fun with my Tamron 10-24mm and the usual camera takes photo and whilst the RAW file was processed by my Nikon, suddenly a meteor will appear, but oh well just my luck.

So far been happy with my Tamron lens but i will save up for the Tonika 11-16mm lens for future meteor showers.
Looking forward to the new years eve fireworks and the Quadrantids meteor shower on the 3rd and 4th of January 2016. It will be an interesting year for my blog + website as i plan to photograph as much Astronomy events as possible.

does anyone have any experience with the Nikon 70-300mm VR  or the Tokina 11-24mm as i am interested in getting the lens.
  Looking forward to trying to spot the the Quadrantids Meteor Shower on the 4th of January 2016.

I would like to thank Warwick Brown of the Bathurst camera club for reminding me about the Geminids meteor shower, if not there would have been no way I would have been able to have made any last minute preparations.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

quadrantids meteor shower 2016

quadrantids meteor shower 2016
Looking forward to tonight, despite the weather and the poor chances of seeing any of the  quadrantids shower in the Southern hemisphere, I Will try to see what will happen in the limited clear sky on the 4th at 8pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) so i will not likely see anything.

It looks like I will not be seeing much tomorrow evening with the weather forecast.

Sadly it was  to light and overcast to see anything today.
If not I will just have to go out and practice my Astronomy photography for the Lyrids meteor shower in April.

More information can be found here, here and here

Bibliography accessed 02/01/2016 accessed 2/01/2016 accessed 02/01/2016 accessed 02/01/2016