Hi everyone
today I will be having a small competition for my tafe assignment, the competition is Random photos from last week. (3rd to the ninth of November)
I got the Idea from last week after the final preparations for a arts exhibition at Orange tafe had been completed and I had over a hour to wait for it to finally open to the general public, so I went for a walk up to the bowling centre. on the way back I went via Newman park were I found a few oddities, which I having the time took photos of( of course they are all snap shots).
the most random thing I saw was these light poles sticking out amongst the trees which reminded me of C S Lewis's novel, the Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe.
only one image per person.
Note This competition is bogus, as I had to do this for a tafe assignment. so I will not be awarding anything
Hi everyone I think tafe has awful internet
ReplyDeleteremember No Vibes (thanks Bebes Kids on Super Nintendo Entertainment System ..........not)
DeleteHey william, here's a link to an image of mine to enter into your competition. If it doesnt load please comment and I will fix it asap. Thanks. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10689746_10205116558138665_6820072079500609832_n.jpg?oh=f4311aafcce32864372c3b5bc05a041f&oe=54E7658A&__gda__=1424595957_931bcb9b28dd3a745474ad8a366ee1a9